Books For Traders

August 2011

Microsoft Excel For Stock And Option Traders

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(195 pages, $49.99 hardcover, 2011, ISBN 978-0-13-713182-2) by Jeff Augen, published by Pearson Education as FT Press.

There’s only one way to gain a consistent edge in today’s high-speed markets: adopt the same advanced data mining and analysis techniques the institutions use. With Microsoft Excel and an up-to-date PC, you can do just that. This book covers a variety of approaches for systematically improving your trades using Excel’s most powerful new features. It uses realistic examples to explain everything from simple conditionals to sophisticated Vba macro programming. You’ll learn to create indicators and alerts, perform statistical analysis, and more.

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What Would Ben Graham Do Now? A New Value Investing Playbook For A Global Age

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(298 pages, $29.99 hardcover, 2011, ISBN 978-0-13-217323-0) by Jeffrey Towson, published by Pearson Education as FT Press.

Intelligent investors have long built wealth by applying Benjamin Graham’s classic value investing principles. The arrival of a new global investment terrain is creating both historical challenges and opportunities for value investors. This work shows how to uncover unprecedented value opportunities in today’s wildly mispriced new global marketplace. It shows how value investors and others can use a value-added approach to extend their investment strategies. The result is a practical investment playbook for a global age, identifying today’s best opportunities, preparing you for massive market shifts that are just beginning to emerge. It adapts and extends Graham’s classic value principles, takes advantage of the biases and mispricings, details the strategies of the new global tycoons, and presents a comprehensive value investing playbook for investors looking to go global.

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Modeling Trading System Performance: Monte Carlo Simulation, Position Sizing, Risk Management, And Statistics

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(384 pages, $69.95 paperback, 2011, ISBN 978-097918382-9) by Howard B. Bandy, published by Blue Owl Press.

Is the system working? Learn the relationships between trade accuracy, bar length, liquidity, holding period, win/loss ratio, and more. The emphasis is on understanding what is predictable and what is not, understanding variability and risks, Monte Carlo simulation, trading as a business, and other sound trading techniques. You can apply these techniques to your own trading data using Excel and free or inexpensive software. The book is independent of any specific trading system development platform.

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Technical Analysis: The Complete Resource For Financial Market Technicians, 2nd Edition

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(704 pages, $89.99 hardcover, 2010, ISBN 978-0137059447) by Charles D. Kirkpatrick II and Julie R. Dahlquist, published by FT Press, an imprint of Pearson.

This technical analysis guidebook has been fully updated to reflect the latest advances. It systematically and objectively introduces the entire discipline. Hundreds of updated illustrations show how to analyze both markets and individual issues, and present complete investment systems. This edition covers recent advances in pattern recognition, market analysis, system management, and other areas. It reassesses classic methods and identifies pitfalls that have emerged in recent years.

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Trend Qualification & Trading: Techniques To Identify The Best Trends To Trade

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(298 pages, $60 hardcover, 2011, ISBN 978-0-470-88966-4) by L.A. Little, published by John Wiley & Sons.

Understanding the technical concept known as the trend is critical to your success. Significant money can be made by following the right trends. This book explains how to identify and qualify these trends and produce better trading results. It demonstrates how to determine if the trend has what it takes to develop into a major move with greater profit potential. It is divided into two parts; it examines the classical trend model as well as a neoclassical model. With this guide you’ll gain a firm understanding of this innovative idea and discover how to incorporate it into your trading.

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The New Sell & Sell Short, 2nd Edition: How To Take Profits, Cut Losses, And Benefit From Price Declines

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(347 pages, $47.95 paperback, 2011, ISBN 978-0470-63239-0) by Alexander Elder, published by John Wiley & Sons.

Any beginner in the stock market knows how to buy, but knowing when to sell will set you above the crowd. This book will teach you when to sell and how to sell short. Stocks go down much faster than they rise, and knowing how to short doubles your opportunities. Amateurs don’t know how to short and are afraid of it, but professionals love to profit from declines. This new and expanded edition includes an intensive study of the 2007–09 bear market with many specific trading examples, distilling the essential lessons of recent years.

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