Books For Traders

January 2012

Currency Trading For Dummies 2nd ed.

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(342 pages, $24.99 paperback, 2011, ISBN 978-1-118-01851-4) by Brian Dolan, published by Dummies, a branded imprint of Wiley Publishing.

This is a plain-English guide to currency trading. Forex markets can be fast and volatile to trade, with money lost or made in seconds. This hands-on guide shows you how the forex market works, what moves it, and how you can actively trade in it — without losing your head! This is an introduction to the global forex market and a look at the major fundamental and economic drivers that influence currency values. You will learn how to pull the trigger — establish a position in the market, manage the trade while it’s open, and close out on advantageous terms. The book has currency trading tools, shows the characteristics of successful traders, and helps you avoid trading pitfalls.

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The Little Book Of Trading: Trend Following Strategy For Big Winnings

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(210 pages, $19.95 hardcover, 2011, ISBN 978-1-118-06350-7) by Michael W. Covel, foreword by Cullen O. Roche, published by John Wiley & Sons.

This is the resource you need to get all the markets working for you. Careful planning can yield exceptional results. Market fluctuation is nothing new, but there is a set of rules and philosophies that you can rely on to get the market back on your side. Experience in the trading world, tips, and insights gathered from some of the world’s most successful traders identify the tools, concepts, psychologies, and philosophies that will keep your money growing — and safe — even when the next bubble bursts or the next crisis hits. This book provides everything you need to grab the markets by the horns and investing strategies and risk-management techniques you can use to your best advantage.

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The Market Taker’s Edge: Insider Strategies From The Options Trading Floor

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(236 pages, $35 hardcover, 2011, ISBN 978-0-07-175492-7) by Dan Passarelli, published by McGraw-Hill.

In this book Passarelli shares the knowledge and insights other floor traders keep tight to their chests—the knowledge you need to beat the market on a regular basis. He delivers a commentary on concepts for operating in the option exchange. He offers a candid look at the ups and downs of his trading career and conveys the lessons he learned along the way, and an understanding of how professional traders attempt to make money — and why it’s different from the way you do. You’ll also know how to focus on what is important in a trade and how to avoid the noise. Passarelli has taught thousands how to make a living as traders, and now he can help you, too.

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Mastering Market Timing: Using The Works Of L.M. Lowry And R.D. Wyckoff To Identify Key Market Turning Points

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(206 pages, $44.99 hardcover, 2011, ISBN 978-0-13-707930-8) by Richard A. Dickson and Tracy L. Knudsen, published by FT Press, an imprint of Pearson Education.

For generations, technical analysts have relied on the Wyckoff method for understanding price/volume interactions. Many have also applied the Lowry analysis to understand the forces of supply and demand. This collaboration shows how to combine these methods into an easy-to-use approach for optimizing long-term investing decisions. It will help uncover insights and identify trend shifts that other technical methodologies can’t reveal. The concepts are clear and simple. The examples are realistic. This book is valuable to a range of investors, including those without strong technical analysis experience or mathematical training.

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The Monopoly Method: An Insider’s Guide To Navigating Wall Street And Becoming A Better Investor

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(142 pages, $9.99 paperback, 2011, ISBN 9780615493978) by Greg J. McCall, published by Rock Crest Capital.

Being in the right place at the right time is what this is all about. While simple and easy to understand, this method is also comprehensive and powerful. It could make investing profitable and less risky. Most important, this book will give you the confidence to take control of your financial destiny. It explains how to adopt the valuable tools and strategies professionals use; how to conduct research efficiently; how to monitor the economy and incorporate market analysis into your investment style; how to manage risk in the stock market and in your portfolio; and more.

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TradeStation Made Easy! Using EasyLanguage To Build Profits With The World’s Most Popular Trading Software

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(746 pages, $70 paperback, 2011, ISBN 978-0-471-35353-9) by Sunny J. Harris, foreword by Bill Cruz, published by John Wiley & Sons.

TradeStation is one of the most popular tools for both professional and individual traders. It allows traders to design their own strategies, backtest them on years of data, and then computer-automate them. The power of EasyLanguage — TradeStation’s proprietary programming language — makes it all possible. Master EasyLanguage and you have the power to test and potentially profit from any idea you can imagine. This guide explains how to use the language. It is written by a self-taught EasyLanguage programmer and covers the essence of programming in EasyLanguage with real-world insights from years of author experience. The concepts found throughout these pages are applicable to all versions of Trade-Station and MultiCharts.

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