December 2000

Trading The International Futures Markets: The Markets, The Systems, And The Strategies For Achieving The Trader's "Edge" (324 pages, $55 hardcover, 2000, ISBN 075201366), by Jake Bernstein, published by New York Institute of Finance. The European and Asian futures markets present unique opportunities for savvy traders. Bernstein explains the futures vehicles traded in different world markets, provides a synopsis of futures contracts and their specifications, and gives you guidelines for analyzing market liquidity and viability for trading purposes. Finally, he offers an overview of proven trading systems, methods, and timing indicators you can use to develop trading strategies suited to your goals. 
    New York Institute of Finance

    an imprint of Prentice Hall Press 
    Penguin Putnam Order Department 
    800 788-6262 
    fax 201 896-8569


Dance Of The Money Bees: A Professional Speaks Frankly On Investing: Revised Edition (210 pages, $19.95 paper, 2000, ISBN 0870341456), by John Train, published by Fraser Publishing. "Only through deep understanding and superior tactics can the investor hope to preserve even part of what he has earned, and it gets harder every year... In preserving capital the right attitude is indispensable. You must be passive in deciding to buy, but aggressive in searching out the values and in digging all the way down to the rock of reality... The safe time to invest is when people are discouraged or desperate, and the safe thing to buy is what isn't wanted." 
    Fraser Publishing

    309 S. Willard St., PO Box 494 
    Burlington, VT 05402 
    800 253-0900 
    fax 802 658 0260 


How To Be An Index Investor (259 pages, $34.95 hardcover, 2000, ISBN 0071356835), by Max Isaacman, published by McGraw-Hill. Today's mutual fund managers will try every trick in the book to beat leading indices. Still, more often than not, the indices consistently come out on top! Millions of investors flock to index mutual funds, whose prices change only at the end of the trading day -- but these aren't the answer for today's fast-moving investors. The answer is listed index securities -- and this is the first book to tell you what you need to know about these little-known tools of the pros. From QQQ and DIA to SPDRs and WEBS, this book will show you index security strategies, techniques on shorting the indices, how WEBS will add global diversification to your portfolio, a course in investing fundamentals, and more. 

    11 West 19th St. 
    New York, NY 10011 
    phone 614 755-4151 
    fax 212 337-4092


John Bogle On Investing: The First 50 Years (455 pages, $29.95 hardcover, 2001, ISBN 0071364382), by John Bogle, with a foreword by Paul A. Volcker, published by McGraw-Hill. Barely out of his teens, but already firm in his conviction that mutual fund shareholders were not getting a fair shake, John Bogle turned in an exhaustively researched thesis entitled The Economic Role Of The Investment Company. That thesis -- ground-breaking, innovative, and reprinted word-for-word for the first time -- changed the future course of investing. This book presents 25 speeches and one masterful thesis by the man who has been called "the conscience of the mutual fund industry." They all revolve around one theme: Efficient, economical alternatives must be made to all investors. 

    11 West 19th St. 
    New York, NY 10011 
    phone 614 755-4151 
    fax 212 337-4092


The Survival Guide For Traders: How To Set-Up And Organize Your Trading Business (73 pages, $99.95 paper, 2000, ISBN 0970338708), by Bennett A. McDowell, with a foreword by Bill Williams, published by Press. McDowell provides a guide for traders just getting started. Thanks to the technology available today, the trading profession has become accessible to anyone with the passion to pursue it. The key is for traders to follow their passion and develop the skills necessary to be profitable. Press

    10755-F Scripps Poway Parkway, Suite #477 
    San Diego, CA 92131 
    858 695-0592 
    fax 858 695-1397


Trading In The Global Currency Markets: Second Edition (557 pages, $65 hardcover, 2000, ISBN 0735201463), by Cornelius Luca, published by New York Institute of Finance. This book brings the universe of foreign exchange within the reach of every trader. Including coverage of the euro and the latest historical and economic changes in the market, this resource gives traders an overview of the market's workings and technologies. It also provides historical context. It asks the basic questions and provides answers that will benefit both beginning traders and seasoned market experts. 
    New York Institute of Finance

    an imprint of Prentice Hall Press 
    Penguin Putnam Order Department 
    800 788-6262 
    fax 201 896-8569


The Ultimate Trading Guide (301 pages, $69.95 hardcover, 2000, ISBN 0471381357), by John R. Hill, George Pruitt, and Lundy Hill, published by John Wiley & Sons. With the recent explosion in the popularity of trading, nearly everyone who trades wants a trading system -- a methodology for buying and selling. A trading system can be a useful tool -- provided the trader knows how to use it. Demonstrating a system is only as reliable as the criteria on which it is based, the authors provide traders with the tools to develop systems based on sound logic. The principles behind trading systems, how various systems operate, the tools and background necessary for developing computerized trading systems, and more are presented. John R. Hill is president and founder of Futures Truth. 
    Wiley Book Order Department

    1 Wiley Drive 
    Somerset, NJ 08875 
    800 225-5945 
    732 469-4400 x2497


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