The Guide To Conquering The Trading Markets (166 pages, $29.95 hardcover, 1999, ISBN 1893756025), written by the co-founders of and edited by Mark Etzkorn, published by M. Gordon Publishing Group. This book reveals trading insights and strategies from some of Wall Street's best traders. No get-rich-quick schemes here, just solid daytrading and short-term trading advice from proven professionals. Among the highlights are three short-term trading strategies, strategies to trade momentum stocks, methods to identify market explosions, specific strategies for capturing option moves, and much, much more. There is also an appendix that ties the information in the book to the Website of the same name. 
    M. Gordon Publishing Group

    611 W. Sixth St., Suite 2870 
    Los Angeles, CA 90017 
    phone 800 797-2584 or 213 955-5777 
    fax 213 955-4343 

Select Winning Stocks Using Financial Statements (218 pages, $19.95 paperback, 1999, ISBN 0793121529), by Richard Loth, published by Dearborn. This book will help you get inside a company's financials and read between the lines. Learn what to look for by type of business, determine key investment evaluators, and use the pros' favorite selection tools. 

Nearly half of all US households are now invested in the stock market. In fact, stocks have surpassed the value of real estate as the most significant component of the household balance sheet. That incredible growth has also led to a corresponding growth in investment information and advisory services. Knowing how to use this information is critical to successful investing. Financial statements are corporate scorecards and contain some of the most vital clues to a company's financial health. 

    Dearborn, A Kapland Professional Company

    155 N. Wacker Drive 
    Chicago, IL 60606-1719 
    US orders: 800 829-7934 
    international orders: Dallas French, 312 836-4400 
    fax 312 836-1021 

Getting Started In Online Investing (258 pages, $18.95 paperback, 1999, ISBN 0471317039), by David L. Brown and Kassandra Bentley, published by John Wiley & Sons. In order to take full advantage of the myriad investment opportunities afforded by the Web, you need a solid, well-informed, up-to-date primer. Cowritten by the CEO of a leading Internet-investing technology and the president of one of the leading online investment guides, it shows you how to find and use the vast array of online resources so you can make smart, sound financial decisions. This book gives you the lowdown on brokers, online trading, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and futures, as well as the best sites for news, portfolio management, education, research, and much more. 
    Wiley Book Order Dept.

    1 Wiley Drive 
    Somerset, NJ 08875 
    Phone 800 225-5945, 732 469-4400 x2497 

Mutual Funds For Dummies, 2nd Edition (406 pages, $19.99 paperback, 1998, ISBN 0764551124), by Eric Tyson, published by IDG Books Worldwide. Make your money work for you. Cash in on the advice and money-wise wisdom of a personal finance expert. Find out how mutual funds work and follow easy-to-understand guidelines for managing a sound portfolio to maximize the outcome, regardless of your income. Whether you're planning your retirement or just trying to keep your nest egg from going to the birds, you can't go wrong when you invest in this book. It should enable you to pick the best funds and avoid the losers, find reputable fund companies and discount brokers, select the best stock funds for growth, and many other financially savvy hints. 
    IDG Books Worldwide

    919 E. Hillsdale Blvd.Suite 400 
    Foster City, CA 94404 
    phone 800 762-2974 or 650 655-3200 
    fax 650 655-3295 

The Psychology Of Investing (198 pages, $29.95 hardcover, 1999, ISBN 0471183393), by Lawrence E. Lifson and Richard A. Geist, published by John Wiley & Sons. The first comprehensive book to apply psychological theory to a broad range of investment topics, and explore the interface between human emotions and financial decision-making. 

Drawing on the invaluable wisdom and cutting-edge research of top experts in what is an area of ever-increasing interest and importance, it describes how both group dynamics and an individual's personal psychology affect investor decisions. Ground-breaking in the way it explores the connection between psychology and investment performance, it is essential reading for anyone seeking insight into this unique relationship. 

    Wiley Book Order Dept.

    1 Wiley Drive 
    Somerset, NJ 08875 
    Phone 800 225-5945, 732 469-4400 x2497 

The International Handbook Of Convertible Securities (250 pages, $75 hardcover, 1999, ISBN 0814404375), by Thomas C. Noddings, Susan C. Christoph and John G. Noddings, published by AMACOM. Long overlooked by mainstream money managers, convertible securities are catching fire within the alternative investment community. Taking advantage of their systematic undervaluation relative to conventional stocks and bonds, investors are now using convertibles within a broad spectrum of investment strategies, ranging from high-performance cash alternatives to small company stocks. New convertible structures and advanced hedging strategies are on the leading edge of the financial markets. 

    1601 Broadway 
    New York, NY 10019 
    phone 800 262-9699 

Value Investing: A Balanced Approach (274 pages, $49.95 hardcover, 1999, ISBN 0471162922), by Martin J. Whitman, published by John Wiley & Sons. An indepth look at the modern realities of valuing companies, this comprehensive resource offers an antidote to conventional "ivory tower" financial theories. This book shows investors how to use the same valuation techniques as are used in private business and by control investors. It replaces the practice of excessive price watching with a "bottom-up" approach to corporate analysis. 
    Wiley Book Order Dept.

    1 Wiley Drive 
    Somerset, NJ 08875 
    Phone 800 225-5945, 732 469-4400 x2497 

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